You go baby giraffe.
PURPOSE: Now this is the important part so if you skimmed through my giraffe simile pay attention for this next paragraph. You see, I'm going to Iasi, ROMANIA for the next 3 months to do an internship (I leave September 3rd and come home December 2nd). I will be volunteering in a hospital, orphanage, and hopefully the abandoned infant clinic they just opened!
I am beyond excited. Excited is how kids feel when you tell them they get to eat ice cream for dessert. I feel like someone told me that I get to go to the Moon, or Neverland, or Atlantis. Maybe that is a silly comparison but to me it's exactly how I feel!
I learned about the need for volunteers in Romania back in high school when Ms. Turner showed our IB anthropology class a documentary called Children Underground. (You can watch the video here! It was an eye opening film that made me want to save all of the children in all of the world. :) Well, I probably won't save all of the children, but I can work with nurses and orphanage workers to serve these children in any way that I can. Even though I haven't met them yet I love them like crazy and I can't wait to get started! I'm sorry if any of that sounds cheesy. I will do my best to keep my "oohing" and "aahing" over cute babies to a minimum and just talk about gypsies or something cool like that. :)
And here's a map of Romania for those who are curious. (It's in Europe for geographically confused individuals.) Just to debunk a few misconceptions I have been asked already: NO: It is not the same as Armenia; NO: Rome is not the capital; YES: I will have running water, internet, and food.
Well, you are all wonderful, bright, and shiny people if you read all of that! Stay tuned for my trip to Italy that will happen in 9 days!