This post is split into 2 sections:
Serious Business, Inspiration, Hospital, Babies, Etc.
On Friday I was working in the hospital and I met the most incredible doctor.
I had just fed a newborn baby and was rocking her to sleep when he came in to meet me.
A kind, 30 some year old, man who actually spoke English!
(Having charades be your main form of communication is taxing after a while so I love meeting English speakers.)
All I can say about this man is that he is INSPIRING.
He told me that the baby was only 12 days old and that the mother abandoned her.
The day after being abandoned she came down with pneumonia.
I realize that this might just be a consequence but thinking about it in that context
makes it seem like the sweet baby's body started giving up after her mother gave
up on her...heartbreaking.
(This baby SMILES when I kiss her. This picture captures it almost perfectly!)
The doctor felt the same way--heartbroken.
I talked with him for over an hour and I wish I could have recorded it.
We had such a beautiful conversation about medicine, children, and God that left us both emotional.
This is paraphrased but I'll do my best to relay the main points of the message:
"I'm from Jordan and I have never seen a problem like this in my life.
Now I see it everyday--mother's not able to care for their children, they're drunk, or on drugs, or simply have no sense of responsibility.
This hospital is filled with abandoned children.
I am so blessed that I have this degree so that I can care for the physical needs of these children to the best of my ability.
I assume that you are Christian? (Yes, I am.)
Good, I am Muslim. We both believe in God.
I feel like I am connected to God in this hospital just as a priest in a church of worship is
connected to God.
These children are just beginning their lives and yet many of them are so close to death.
I feel like the children provide a type of perspective in which we can see the truly important things in this world. God, family, homes, love, etc.
You believe that these children have souls, yes? (Yes, I do.)
You see, I cannot just care for the physical needs of the children here.
I must remember that they have souls.
They are close with God as I am and I must do my best to heal not
only their bodies but to make sure that their souls are
being healed from the cruelty, unfairness, and abandonment that
has already been introduced to them.
If I had the chance to go back and choose a different profession,
perhaps one that would be easier on my family, I would choose this same one every time.
Nothing parallels it.
To see children suffering is painful to me but knowing that I can in part relieve that
pain is what keeps me going.
I am living my dream but I do not do this work for myself.
I do it for God.
I do it for my children.
I think of my children as though they were these children in the hospital.
I love my children and I would do anything I could for them if they were ill.
I must do the same for these children.
What you are doing here (volunteering) is worth more than you realize.
These children don't even realize right now how wonderful it is.
It is simple yet vitally important for their survival.
Thank you so very much!"
No. Thank YOU!
After he left, I held that baby with a little more purpose and a LOT more love
(if that is even possible).
I had talked to my Mom the other day and told her that one of my fears was that
I would become desensitized to the suffering that I do/will see.
I hope I don't and I don't think I will.
Not now that I have had this talk with Dr. Inspiration.
I believe that we can all contribute beauty to this world and it is often through
children that this is accomplished.
Are you living your dream?
Silliness, Iasi, Hair Cutting, Bread, Missionaries, Etc.
I LOVE my life right now.
I LOVE these darling little people that I get to spend my days with.
I LOVE kissing babies and getting kisses in return.
I LOVE changing diapers and getting these
kiddos as clean as possible.
I LOVE singing lullaby songs.
I LOVE Romania.
I LOVE Romanian food.
I LOVE the people in Romania.
I LOVE hospitals, orphanages, doctors, nurses,
workers, my fellow interns, etc.
I LOVE my life.
Here is a picture of one of my favorite little spots that I walk by every day: this little overgrown garden, humble homes, and through the middle is the city of Iasi!
This is another street picture.
Sunday evenings can be a little dull...
so what do my roommates decide to do to spice it up?
Yup, we have a hair cutting party.
Bangs anyone?

Where was I when this glorious occasion was commencing?
I was laughing, taking pictures, snorting, and being SUPER excited
to see my roomies cut their own hair.
I was REALLY supportive of this as our Sabbath day activity.
Maybe next week we will dye their hair?
Monday Night:
Tonight at FHE (Family Home Evening) was the last time we would see Sora (Sister) Bennett.
(Right: Sister Bennett; Left: Sister Atkins)
She has finished her mission in Romania and will be going home this week!
Thank you so much Sister Bennett for all of your help, love, support, your unbelievable example, and testimony!
This is a picture of the lovely women in our FHE group!

5 Quick comments about this next picture:
1. This is Bianca. She lives next door to us and speaks great English, is wonderful, sweet, and beautiful.
2. Seriously, how does she have such adorable rosy cheeks?!
3. I came straight from the hospital so I am wearing my spit-up covered scrubs. Sorry for being gross.
4. My "deer-in-the-headlights" look is because the picture wasn't taking and when a picture takes too long I resort to my SUPER fake smile.
This same creepy smile can be found on almost every I.D. card and family photo I's sad.
5. I am holding in my hand a DELICIOUS loaf of sweet bread made by one of the sisters in the church.
Notice how it is like the size of my head?
I ate it all...and half of another one. :)
It was really good, okay?

I didn't lie. Here is the evidence that I ate it all.
That's all for now folks.
More adventures in Romania are soon to grace the pages of this blog.
Await it anxiously.
P.S.-- I hope you are all doing well and showering much more often than I am!
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