Hey everyone!
So now that I have successfully visited my dream land (Italy)
I have continued on to do my dream internship in
These are my really lovely roommates that I will be spending the next few months with
working in the orphanage and in the hospital/clinic.
Left to Right: Jodi, Me, Britta
This is our teeny tiny elevator. It is a darling, rickety creation
with just a touch of scary.
Did you notice how all the buttons are different?
I love that too. Ha
When I say it is small I mean SMALL.
As in it can comfortably fit one super cute roommate in it.
...Or me acting really stupid.

Well welcome everyone! This is where the magic happens.
Cooking, eating, doing laundry.
Super exciting stuff in this post so just
bear with me for a bit.
Our apartment has a few signature gems that I will
lay out for you.
Gem #1:
This random plank of wood in our bathroom.
Is it there just in case there is a really big spider?
Or maybe it is to prop the door shut since it does NOT lock.
Scotch tape along the door and a plank of wood is what we found.
I give props to the creativity of this make-shift lock.
Gem #2
We don't actually have a shower.
It's more like a spray nozzle I would use for a hose.
It took me a few attempts to figure out how to successfully get my
entire body wet without falling over.
I'm still a little unsteady some mornings. :)
Gem #3:
Our apartment came fully furnished.
Furnished as in little china tea sets, shot glasses, and figurines of
horses....but my personal favorite...
A little boy peeing?
My roommate Britta has some pretty fantastic ones in her room too.
Sometimes she plays with them.
Just kidding.
Sort of.
Gem #4:
The Medusa Cactus
This is an obvious necessity in anyone's home.
Martha Stewart should do a segment on grooming
one of these babies.
The extent of our care for it went as far as braiding its
spiky little arms.
Gem #5:
Pig-Faced Girl Painting
This glorious creation is in my room (Gem #6).
I was instantly choked up when I saw it.
Some of the other girls believe that is a severed
dolls head next to her.
Obviously it is a recreation of the scene from The Godfather
made for naughty children.
Instead of a severed horse head in the bed...
it's her precious dolly.
I'm speechless nonetheless.
Gem #6:
We drew from a hat (actually a small trinket bowl we found)
which room we would take.
Hot dog I won the dining room!
Ya, that's a dining room table people.
Is that a real bed you ask?
A couch bed.
Is it comfy?
It's like floating on a cloud!
Pros and cons people.

Gem #7:
Laundry machine?
(Rattling and shaking is an added bonus)
Instead we hang it.
Where you ask?
My room of course!
My room also has a t.v., a balcony, and the rope for
hanging laundry.
I really can't complain though because I get such a pretty view!
I know that the other girls get views of the city...
but I actually love my view of trees, bloc apartments, a park,
and just the neighborhood.
Just my style.
Gem #8:
Our stove and oven have to be lit.
I am afraid of fire.
Luckily my roommates are champs and make
sheep cheese pizza on the top of pots for me.
Here's Britta with her pot of pizza.
Seriously people I LOVE this apartment and I LOVE every single
little GEM. :)
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