After Bucharest we joined up with Heidi, Debra, and Jenna in Brasov.
We were in Transylvania on Halloween Day!
We started off our Halloween adventure by visiting Bran's Castle
Here's Heidi and I doing our best vampire faces before going inside.
The castle wasn't scary at all.
It was actually just really pretty.
the stairway was scary.
Ya, even looking at that picture you can feel the creepiness set in.
The rest looked more like this...
The view was incredible and it overlooked the mountains.
Since it's fall, the leaves are bright orange, yellow, and red.
Sorry you can't really tell that from these pictures.
All you can see is how much I love hugging Jenna.
Ha, I had fun taking pictures of Heidi crawling into all sorts of tiny little nooks
inside the castle. This one is up like 3 feet and is in the corner of a hallway.
She told me to get in and when I did an old man took a picture of me.
That's his hand in the picture.
They wanted me to scare people as they came around the corner but
instead people ended up scaring me...
(An old man and woman scared me half to death...sneaky little devils.)
Oh, and guys, I found my knight in shining armor in the castle! :)
(Wow, I cringed just thinking about how unbearably cheesy that sounds out loud.)
Aside from my knight they decorated the courtyard with pumpkins and it looked
so friendly and festive!
Especially the giant scale that was used to weigh witches.
I'm serious. Ha.
Heidi crawled into every little space to nap.
I suppose touring castles is pretty tiring business.
Before you go out to the courtyard there is this sign.
It looks like it says, "Attention Scary!"
It actually says, "Attention Stairs."
Definitely not as cool.
But seeing as it's Halloween let's go with the first one
and claim ignorance.
We all were sick of Heidi and her napping in random places and
so we tried to drown her in the well.
Unfortunately, a security guard came out within about 10 seconds
to prevent her death.
Oh well, it's still a fun picture.
Right when we were about to leave I flipped through
my pictures and realized I didn't have any of me actually smiling.
Remember how I'm not the best at taking pictures?
Here's the best I could do with Jenna's help.
Happy Halloween!
I was a little disappointed by this castle though.
No one was dressed up like a vampire!
(I know it's childish and that it was actually Vlad the Impaler who the legend
is written about and whatnot but it was Halloween people!)
Heidi was a champ and made my wish a reality.
Dracula's Castle = A mighty fine way to begin Halloween!
We then found this tiny haunted house outside of the castle.
It was SO cheesy until the very end when a man chases and grabs
at you for the rest of the way.
I love scary things.
Scary movies, books, stories, houses, people (okay not that last one).
But let me say that just because I love scary things doesn't mean I don't get scared.
Did I scream like a little girl?
Most definitely.
The grand finale of my Halloween was to go see
the cartoon Hotel Transylvania.
(In Transylvania!!!!!!!)
I only liked it because I was in Transylvania though...
All in all, it was about the most EPIC Halloween I've had in 20 years.
I hope you all had a lovely day as well.
Stay tuned for my trip to Sinia and hiking Transylvanian mountains!
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